Due to great fires that took place in Portugal,
COC is to estimate the maps and the possible trainings.
Soon we will put more information.
Christmas training of the Spanish Team
This is the comment from the Spanish Team, that chose the COC Training Camps to do their Christmas training in 2016:
“Los terrenos de Marinha Grande (Portugal) constituyen un entorno ideal para realizar un campo de entrenamiento, debido a la gran cantidad de mapas de alta calidad y la variedad de terrenos que se pueden encontrar. Es por ello, que la selección española absoluta escogimos este lugar para nuestro tradicional campo de Navidad y depositamos nuestra confianza en el club COC para facilitarnos todo lo necesario durante la preparación y la estancia. Podemos decir, si lugar a dudas, que acertamos plenamente, por lo que agradecemos al club COC su gran trabajo y disposición, al mismo tiempo que recomendamos a todos los que quieran pasar unos días entrenando y disfrutando de un entorno idílico, que se pongan en contacto con ellos.”
New maps for 2017
In 2017 the COC Training Camps will have the new maps of Leiria and Lagoa da Ervedeira, both near the coast. The latter will be used for the first time in the XV MOC event, 14 and 15 of January 2017.
Also new are the maps in the region of Penamacor, in rocky and mountain terrain. These are the maps of Anascer, Mata da Câmara, Ramalhão, Memória, Rachã and Serrinha.
For all our maps see the Maps page.
São Pedro de Moel new map for 2015
Just finished some weeks ago we will offer new courses near the sea. We will have ISOM for Forest trainings and ISSOM for Sprint trainings.